Proud Sponsor of ITC Vegas

Near Space Labs for Insurers

High-resolution imagery updated 4x a year to enhance risk assessments, accurately price policies, and validate and accelerate claims.

Visualize Risk and Expedite Solutions.

Empowered by Advanced Imagery.


Why Near Space Labs?

With us, carriers have access to ultra-high-resolution property imagery refreshed every 90 days across all policy locations.

That means underwriting and claims teams are leveraging the most recent and reliable data available in order to elevate accuracy and optimize efficiency across the entire policy lifecycle.

We are the only scalable and ESG-driven earth imaging solution serving insurers today, fueled by a stratospheric zero-emission balloon fleet. 


Make More Confident and Accurate Decisions.

Elevate your competitive edge in dynamic markets with Near Space Labs' high-quality updated imagery, covering 100% of US policies every quarter.

Near Space Labs' image of a property pre-catastrophe showing the property in great condition, next to the same property post-catastrophe showing extensive damage to the roof and shed.


Leverage incontestable pre- and post-catastrophe imagery to authenticate claims, reduce litigation, and minimize recurring losses.

Quickly resolve settlements with policyholders and improve customer experiences.

Near Space Labs' image of a residential property showing details of the property including the grooves of the roof and construction to the backyard pool.


Accurately price policies that reflect the true risk of properties by using the most recent imagery available, across all policy locations.

Enhance operational efficiency by reducing on-site inspections.

Near Space Labs' 10 cm images of a neighborhood and the same house 90-days later showing an updated roof and addition of solar panels to the home's roof.


Elevate risk assessments and loss estimations with imagery data never older than 90 days to determine more competitive reinsurance coverage.

Harness pre- and post-claim evidence to establish equitable claim settlements.

Near Space Labs' image of multiple commercial buildings showing details of the properties' conditions. You can see discoloration, HVACs, and different roof types.


Confidently assess property risk exposures to write more accurate policies spanning across all markets and geographies.

Engage customers with visual property representations for transparent claims handling.

Our trusted partners and customers

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Imagery Without Tradeoffs 


Wide-Scale Captures

Achieve full coverage of large cities, suburbs, and rural areas with our commitment to providing 100% policy coverage.



Gain the most reliable and updated property data available with 90-day refresh rates.   


Ultra High-Resolution

See detailed views and conditions of insured properties with ultra-high-resolution imagery.

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Achieve environmental, social, and governance goals by incorporating our sustainable Earth imaging solution.

Let's Talk Better Insights for Insurers

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