Everyday we capture thousands of high-resolution images of the planet, leaving us with some really unique perspectives of different landmarks, stadiums, beaches, and more. Perfect for a phone wallpaper!
We will be updating our wallpaper collection periodically as we come across new intriguing images. Please input your information below and then click the link the download the files.
For any questions, please email marketing@nearspacelabs.com.
Download our Manhattan Beach, CA wallpaper
Capture Date: November, 2022
Download wallpapers of the Angels Stadium and big red caps
Capture Date: July, 2022
Near Space Labs is a cutting-edge Earth imagery and geospatial data company on a mission to provide universal access to high-quality information about our rapidly changing planet in order to solve some of the world's greatest challenges including urbanization and climate change.
We provide timely, ultra high-resolution imagery at scale with the largest zero-emission balloon fleet in the stratosphere to offer businesses, organizations, and researchers the most updated and high-quality data available in order to make better decisions.